Mangrove Laboratory of Human Settlements
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Place: Mangrove of Pedra de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The research is on human settlements in living conditions of extreme environmental instability. This research is done by reutilizing environmental residue and by optimizing the use of the unstable aspects of the area thus transforming them into positive aspects of that environment.

The purpose of this laboratory is to explore the conditions available to make living possible when the environmental factors fluctuate between extremes states.

The experiment is done by means of exploring the sensitive interaction reflected in actions of compatibility and adaptation of the surroundings variables to the settlement's demands and determinations.

The research is currently being developed in a mangrove situated in Pedra de Guaratiba, on the western section of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • To create na intermediary state for the humid environment, which is either completely flooded by seawater or muddy at low tide, as opposed to the dry environment adequate for human settlement.
  • To capture and reserve drinkable water avoiding contamination by seawater.
  • Sanitary project using Imhoff anaerobic system.



Citron, G. - Introduccion a la Ecologia del Manglar.
Montevideo, UNESCO/ROSTLAC - 1983

Foundation for Inner Peace - A Course in Miracles
Tiburon, California, USA, 1983

Kneip, Lina Maria - Coletores e Pescadores Pré-históricos Gearatiba
Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, 1985

Maciel, Norma Crud et Araújo, Dorothy S D - Manguezais do Recôncavo da Baia de Guanabara
Cadernos Técnicos, FEEMA, RJ, 1979

Macintyre, A J - Instituições Hidráulicas
Ed. Guanabara Dois, 1986

Novelli, Yara Schaeffer - Perfil dos Ecossistemas Brasileiros com Ênfase sobre o Ecossistema de Manguezal
Instituto Oceanográfico, São Paulo, 1989

Vale, Brenda Y. Robert - La Casa Autônoma
Ed. Gustavo Gili AS, Barcelona, 1977


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