The Laboratory Research Laboratory For The Design Project Learning Process
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A Classroom between two Jack Fruit Trees

The main purpose of the present work is to introduce a tent built in PUC-Rio, in the vicinities of the Atlantic Forest and its pedagogical objectives. Designed to create a receptive and favorable environment for Design Project classes, that simulate the development of projects in real-life by methods of participative observation, this tent had been used as a laboratory, where its is investigated the influence of the intercessions and ambiental variations in the learning process.

The physical conception of this tent, that establishes the slightest obstacles between its interior and its outskirts among other peculiar characteristics, was based on proxemic theories.

The synthetic sail cloth used as cover had been stretched tight by two Jack Fruit Trees and protects students and professors without isolating them from the surroundings movements or exterior life.

The effects of this environment's peculiar physical characteristics, help the students to understand important attitudes and procedures related to the design projectual process.



Cobijo - Shelter Publications, H. Blume Ediciones, 1979, Madrid

Frei Otto - Tension Structures. Conrad Roland, Praeger Publishers, Inc. - NY, 1971

Jones, Christopher - Metodos de Diseño. Ed. Gustavo Gili, S.A. 1976

Coperthwaite, B. - Yurt Construction Plan. Yurt Foundation

Gaston Bachelard - El Psicoanalisis del Fuego. Schapire Editor, S.R.L.

Handerson, Hazel - Creating Alternative Futures. New York, Putnam, 1978

Guattari, Felix - Revolução Molecular. Ed. Brasiliense


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