Classroom Convivências: Multidisciplinar Learning Together Experiments
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The purpose of the present work is to discuss the activities, objectives and results of the extracurricular course CONVIVÊNCIAS, offered by the Art and Design School of PUC-Rio. This course receives students from Scientific & Technical, Social and Human Sciences schools and takes place in a tent built in the vicinities of the Atlantic Forest.

The physical conception of this tent was based on proxemics theories and establishes the slightest obstacles between its interior and its outskirts among other peculiar characteristics. The synthetic sail cloth used as cover had been stretched tight by two Jack Fruit Trees and protects students without isolating them from the surroundings movements or exterior life.

By the multidisciplinar conviviality and physical experiences with materials which remind the beauty of the Universe, the program offers to the students, the simultaneous exercise of their complementary ways of racional and intuitive knowledge. The multidisciplinar encounter favors the development of the creative process by the crossing of previously distinguished informations. There are used methods that stimulate the remembrance by the direct contact with sand, seeds, shells and clay. By what was named by Prof. Norman Emerson from the Canadian Archaeological Association as Intuitive Archaeology, these materials provide the awareness of the Universe as a dynamic system.



Swimme, Brian - O Universo é um dragão verde
Ed. Cultrix, São Paulo, Brazil, 1984

Maturana, H. e Varela, F. - El árbol del conocimiento
Editorial Universitária, Santiago del Chile, 1984

Henderson, Hazel - Creating Alternative Futures
Putnam, NY, 1978

Sheldrake, Rupert - Renascimento da Natureza
Ed. Cultrix, São Paulo, 1991

Watson, Lyall - A Natureza das Coisas
Ed. Cultrix, São Paulo, 1990


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