Tudo o que foi publicado em novembro, 2008


A toolkit for user-centered design process

This Generic Work Process diagram is a very interesting and resourceful toolkit, that covers many phases of the design process. It not only displays the different stages of a user-centered design process, but also describes them; each phase has different tasks/methods, with a description, the purpose of using that particular method, and points out some […]

quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008

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More books!

It’s always a joy when new books arrive. These ones arrived from Amsterdam, sent to me by the Institute of Network Cultures. They are The Internet of Things: a critique of ambient technology and the all seeing network of RFID, by Rob van Kranenburg, and Video Vortex Reader: Responses to YouTube, by Geert Lovink and […]

quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2008

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Good night lamp

A very simple, but interesting project that promotes a sense of closeness and intimacy. Just turn on your lamp, and someone related to you will have it’s own lamp (a small version of yours) also lighted on. The Good Night Lamp project is a family of lamps which allow people to communicate the act of […]

sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2008

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O computador sumiu!

Sobre a evolução dos computadores, que deixam de ser “caixotes” em cima de nossas mesas e passam a compor o ambiente, integrados aos objetos mais corriqueiros.

terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008

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